I don't usually take part in cartoon competitions, mainly because I don't see the point of competing in something as subjective as humour, which is no more than the opinion of each individual, but also because many of them ask for unpublished pieces and this conditions the way you work.
You end up drawing what you think you can win depending on what has been awarded previously or on what is imposed by their rules, which tend to be generic and usually reject opinions related to political and/or thorny issues in order to avoid controversy.
Even so, I usually take a look at the vignettes that are presented because sometimes I find some pretty good ideas. There are also authors who dedicate themselves only to contests and make their participation in all the contests they can find almost their only professional activity.
Since 2009, the Anatolian Tourism Academy (Turkey) has been organising an international cartoon competition on tourism. Each year, it opens the call for entries under a specific theme related to the subject of leisure travel. The proposal for its 15th edition will be determined by the suggestions of the participants.
So far, the competition has been organised under the following themes: "All-inclusive system", "Tourism and peace", "Future of tourism, Tourism of the future", "Holidays, from past to present", "Travel memories", "Airport", "Covid'19 and tourism" and "Workers in the tourism industry", "Women in tourism" and "Space tourism".
The person whose theme is accepted will join the competition organisation as one of the members of the selection committee for the works received for the 2023 edition.
The proposed themes will be evaluated by the selection committee. The main criterion for evaluation will be the universal message to be conveyed through the cartoons in the competition.
The deadline for theme proposals is 15 June 2023 and should be sent to tourismcartoon@gmail.com
There are two categories: adult (17 years and older) and youth (16 years and younger) and each participant can submit a maximum of three entries. The prize consists of a 5-day holiday in Petra for 2 people with full board. The shortlisted and winning entries will be published in a catalogue sent to the participants. Terms and conditions of submission.
Winners of the 14th edition of 2022.