Cheeky people


Cheeky people. Cartoon of 18/06/2022 in CTXT

Isabel Díaz Ayuso has squandered 110,000 euros of public money on a bust to suck up to Felipito number 6. This hideous sculpture of about a hundred kilos will be planted in the seat of the regional government in the Real Casa de Correos de la Puerta del Sol.

The treatment have been made using the traditional negotiated contracting procedure without advertising. That is to say, awarding the contract on the spur of the moment, without advertising or the submission of bids.

This is how it works the cultural thing in the institutions, each politician has his or her favourite artist, whom he or she generously entertains with periodic commissions of many thousands of euros.

The artist who has been awarded the contract for this institutional order, which was commissioned back in April, has once again been Víctor Ochoa.

The author is known for sneaking another sculptural crap that it was meant to be a tribute to the victims of covid when it was just a piece he had made 25 years ago and that he recycled a bit of it to take it away with him.

In the act of presentation of this bronze casting bodrio a la cera perdida, Ayuso released before the presentation of this lost-wax bronze casting, Ayuso stated that "the Prado Museum would not exist, nor the library of El Escorial, nor the Complutense University, nor the Royal Sites, nor the Royal Academies without each of the kings of Spain, thanks to the interest that practically all the monarchs felt in collecting works of art and promoting literature and science". "We also owe it to them to be a cultural power, which fosters quality tourism, as well as modern diplomacy and the Transition".

That's nothing. He did not say anything about the billions that the Bourbons have accumulated in scams and that they have stoned by sticking their father's life to the ground without giving a damn. It would pass him by.

Beyond these mamporific ceremonies to which we are already accustomed, the raising of effigies is an anachronism and anachronism. On top of that, they pretend to sell the act of collegiality as a promotion of art and so on. It's the height of humbug.

Even when photography did not exist, court painters used to be selected from among the best of the time (although there are exceptions) to immortalise the authorities and elevate them to perpetuity by means of magnificent works

Now it's even worse because they can plant a mobile phone photo or an inexpensive sculpture made with a 3D printer, which is not really necessary either, but they use cronyism to melt down huge sums of money for the public for penny-pinching personal whims.

I only hope that this bronze head ends up like his father's, in a box.

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