Cortoplacism. Cartoon of 19/12/2021 in CTXT
Since the announcement of Pedro Sánchez's appearance yesterday, with the expectation of his appearance heightened, all kinds of fuss and predictions began to run through the networks (when the media say the networks they mean Tuiter , that's all).
I will spare you the quotes because it was the same as always, there was no shortage of those who promised fierce insubordination in the face of a possible, but highly unlikely, confinement. The government had already let it be known that they were not going to apply "tough measures".
As in the Netherlands they have decreed a new confinement and the closure of non-essential trade for four weeks in the face of a rapid increase in cases, also in the UK increased in the UK, some shuddered to hear echoes of that lame balcony song by the Dynamic Duo and others were left waiting to hear what the new plan for the new wave was.
As the vignettes of the week are usually sent on Saturday and/or Sunday very early in the morning, I bet that it would be a nothing and I was lucky. It was. Six minutes to say that the mask, the vaccine and to take care and so on. Nothing that could not have been communicated by sending a copy & paste recycled from any press release of the last few months to spare us the institutional rhetorical pomp.
Well, that's just it. Whatever it is, it will be. I leave here two pademiconavideñas vignettes from last year.

One of november 2020

And another of december with that endless "save Christmas" nonsense.