El Jueves: 46 anys tocant els nassos (2023)


A 70-minute documentary that was previewed on 29 June at the Verdi cinemas in Barcelona and will be broadcast tomorrow, Tuesday 4 June at 22:05 on TV3's documentary programme"Sense ficció".


The documentary "El Jueves: anys tocant els nassos" is a journey through time to remember the beginnings of the magazine that has survived 46 years touching the noses of power in every possible way. A journey through the history of Catalonia and Spain through the sieve of satire, criticism and sarcasm.

El Jueves: 46 anys tocant els nassos (2023)

Running time: 70 minutes.
Language: Catalan.
Produced by: TV3 .
Production company: LEMURE S.L.
Script and direction: Jordi Sanromà Nart.
Executive production and production: Jordi Homs.
Content advisor: Jaume Capdevila "Kap".
Production manager: Anna Cervera.
Director of photography: Simó Andreu.
Direct sound: Jordi Paris, Grau Bardulet.
Editing and colour: Damià Dip Buil.
Graphics: ONIDEA.

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