Fire-fighting measures

Fire-fighting measures

Fire-fighting measures. Cartoon of 24/07/2022 in CTXT

Juan is the vice-pamplinas of the JCyL. He is the same man who last month said that the cause of depopulation was the "hypersexualisation" of society and that "people forget that the main purpose of sex is procreation".

See here Juan García-Gallardo (Vox), vice-president of Castilla y León, very sad, invoking the Pachamama. Outfit El Cortinglés.

Fire-fighting measures 0

Note that there is no one around him, at least in the frames (if they are) that he publishes himself, which leads us to suspect that his team of stylists organised a top fashion session for him to make the most of the black.

Juan G.G., after posing to be made this beautiful book a la "me strolling alone among the ashes","me scanning the burnt horizon" and"me grieving caressing a burnt twig", assured who have not entered the government to have their pictures taken.

No, no, he comes to do things. Things against fires, like hiring thousands of unemployed people to clean up the forest. Clean it up in a generic way. Sweep it and dust it and that.

The obsession of the carcunda with the unemployed has been in the limelight this week and it cannot be ruled out that it will continue to grow as long as the fires continue to be active and/or appear.

But the package of measures against the fires has a groundbreaking one. A charity concert in style with stars, just headliners

"The Regional Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport will organise a big charity concert in autumn in Zamora with top artists to help those affected by the fire," he said.

At least he has not organised a bullfight, a dogfight or a goat throwing competition from the bell tower. We are making progress.

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