Killer state

Killer state

Killer state. Cartoon from 15/05/2022 in CTXT

The murder of Shireen Abu Akleh, the Palestinian-American journalist for Al Jazeera is one more. Another execution that will end up diluted in the storm of disinformation and propaganda that the state of Israel is wont to deploy.

Another murder they will deny, like so many othersas if it were a simple domestic accident of the kind that happens in a routine raid that suddenly becomes a war crime by the vagaries of life.

To put the icing on their shit, the Israeli security forces beat up the people carrying the coffin with the mortal remains of the journalist just as the coffin was leaving the French Hospital of St. Louis in Jerusalem. Even for such a wretched act they have invented various justifications because they know that any excuse will do and there will be no consequences.

Meanwhile, amidst the noise, the settlers at their own game.

They have never liked witnesses and always find a way to concoct an alibi that no one will force them to prove. Laugh at what they call "investigation" in the mouths of those who have been under occupation and apartheid for decades.

Just over a year ago the Israeli army bombed a building in the Gaza Strip that housed the offices of the Al Jazeera television network and the Associated Press (AP) news agency. According to the AP, Israeli military authorities ordered the evacuation of the building an hour before the attack Other sources they claimed they had just 10 minutes to clear it.

The reason for clearing the building was, according to the AP, that there were terrorists, weapons Israelthat there were terrorists, weapons and such. All this was claimed without any evidence and overnight. With the site reduced to pebbles, they no longer needed to provide it.

Now look for the conclusions of something resembling an independent investigation. That's it

and what does the international community and its geopolitical partners do? Nothing. At most, very occasionally, it calls for "containment for both sides" as a wish thrown to the wind.

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