Nuclear threat

Nuclear threat
Nuclear threat. Cartoon of 09/10/2022 in CTXT

Every day I give the war a "spin" by looking here and there. I go between agencies so as not to get bogged down in watertight positions and I go around different media that call themselves independent and try to be so, and there are days when I have a similar sensation, saving the more than obvious differences, to when I consulted the data on the evolution of each day during the pandemic.

The only rational and moderately healthy thing for the jar is to trust/hope that it will end as soon as possible. Going to the networks to look for information on the war is the worst exercise one can do because the atmosphere is unbearable

On Twitter, the warmongers repeat martial harangues like parrots and those who believe that an armed ruckus of this scale will be solved by invoking the pachamama leave their yolks tweeting loudly. In the middle and in no-man's-land, as always, the people continue to die.

In the media there is no balance either, one day we are on the brink of nuclear hecatomb and the next we are not. The only thing that is clear to me is that I could not make a living as a conflict analyst.

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