Office of the Spanish

Office of Spanish

Office of the Spanish. Cartoon of 04/07/2021 in CTXT

It was another of last week's gossip that is sure to bring us some embarrassing news in the coming days. Ayuso set up a mamandurria for Toni Cantó by placing him at the head of a chiringuito that has been invented as a new department dependent on the Regional Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport, which has been called the "Oficina del Español" (Spanish Office).

The aim of this office is supposed to defend Spanish (read Castilian) because it is under threat (cornered according to Antonio Cantó) and to "enhance its value", disseminate and promote it because it is "what unites us" and all those stale and hollow pearls from the demagogy.

The first declarations cantó's response to the criticism of the enchufazo has been to deny that it is a chiringuito while confirming it because:

"The chiringuito you see is me, that's it. There is no other structure than me".

He wants to convince us that, because he doesn't have one, he doesn't even have a desk and they won't even give him a sad jar to put his pen in.

It is said that the annual salary of the man of a thousand jetas will be 75,084 euros, to which we will have to add the odd allowance or those little money that always fall for extraordinary things.

Cantó, who has changed his jacket four times in 14 years, made his debut on the mamoneo stage in 2007 as a councillor for a party called Vecinos por Torrelodones which was created, paradoxically, to fight against the corruption of the PP.

If you pretend to find a little more information of value about the Cantoñol Office, forget it. You'll be wasting your time.

On the website of the Community of Madrid, the only thing that appears in a one and a half minute video of Ayuso entitled: "We have the obligation to protect the Spanish language".

Oh! We are obliged to do something as a consequence of an alleged threat that does not exist. Create a problem that doesn't exist in order to provide money for a scheme that promises to solve it. From the first year of sausage politics.

Office of Spanish

Let's go to the Transparency Portal, maybe there you can find out something more concrete supported by useful data Searching there In the "Oficina del Español" you can only find the appointment of Toni Cantó as director and the Official Gazette of the Community of the day the official handover of the chiringuito was made official.

Office of Spanish
Office of Spanish

I don't know why they call these pages "Transparency Portal". One imagines that transparency means making available to the staff all the information that answers their questions, at least the basic ones.

What is the budget of the Spanish Office?

How many people are there in the office and to do what in particular? Who chooses them? Under what criteria?

Where is it? A telephone? An email? A website? A simple FAQ? Something. No, nothing. All there is is a giant, predominant Toni Cantó.

Oficina del Español. Toni Cantó

They don't need much more, the headlines are already published in the media. This is yet another of the many examples of the usual procedure of stoning the public purse on nothingness with a (not cheap) paste of important stuff

The director of the RAE the office as an "anecdote" without "special significance", which is the diplomatic way of saying that it is just another of many canteo. And although he doesn't say so, it is understood that he thinks that this pod promises less than a two-piece jigsaw puzzle.

Ayuso, like any mediocre power-hunter, is still determined to perpetuate herself with some populist coup and her head is full of celebrity stars, but all she has is a few shady advisors, by whom she allows herself to be guided. It is one more chapter in her project of a network of mamandurrias that will be enlivened by a new "..."movida madrileña". Although she now says she has already thought about it a lot of years ago.

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