Ossorio and the poor

Ossorio and the poor

Ossorio and the poor. Cartoon of 19/03/2022 in CTXT

The poor are a nuisance, they sully the idyllic and triumphalist landscape that politicians try to recreate. And what is worse, they demonstrate the failure of the management of wretches like Enrique Matías Ossorio Crespo, spokesman for the Madrid government. A guy who earns 108,000 euros a year and who cynically wonders where the poor are, he doesn't see them.

Ossorio alluded to this report of Caritas.

But don't think you can't be even more miserable. Now, for Isabel Díaz Ayuso, it turns out that these poor people that Enrique Ossorio didn't see any, but are not "theirs". These people are trash, I can't find a better word to define them.

These people release this crap knowing that it's free and that they won't even have to offer a sad and protocol apology. Besides, in a few days (or in a few hours) nobody will remember because we will already be busy with other similar or worse rubbish.

On the report by Cáritas and the FOESSA Foundation (Fomento de Estudios Sociales y de la Sociología Aplicada)

The report that has been presented, together with the global report on the "Evolution of social cohesion and consequences of Covid-19 in Spain", has been developed by 30 researchers from 10 universities and research entities. A team of professional pollsters knocked on more than 90,000 doors nationwide and 7,000 households in Madrid, collecting information from almost 19,000 people in Spain and 1,600 people in Madrid.

The results of this research show that in the Community of Madrid one and a half million people are in a situation of social exclusion. This is five points more than before the pandemic (from 17% in 2018 to 22%), i.e. 370,000 more people in social exclusion. The increase in the number of people in the most difficult situations is particularly serious, with a 25% increase in severe exclusion situations, which now reaches 800,000 people.

The results also indicate an increase in inequality among the poorest, who have seen their incomes fall by 22%, in contrast to the 18% increase in the incomes of those with the highest incomes. The fall in incomes of the lowest income quintile explains the increase in severe poverty.

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