Translation cartoon:
Public residence for the elderly*
*responsible for torture: the operating company
Public residence, cartoon of 18/09/2022 in CTXT
Mariano Turégano (Spain), who complained to the town council about the deplorable conditions in which they live.
This is a privately managed public residence, which is run by the company Macrosad. I have looked for the company's reaction, but I have not found a single sad press release. The Community of Madrid hastened to say that they will look into it and see what happens and so on.
Mariano denounces that the rooms have been at 40 degrees this summer, that there are elderly people who have been lost in the municipality because the door control is a joke and that they even suffer robberies, but he also warns of the lack of staff and their poor working conditions. Something that does not only happen in this residence.
Among the many irregularities in Moscatelares, Mariano assures that "Many times the food is so bad that we are hours and hours without eating anything", better listen to him.
On 17 September, citizens from different communities demonstrated in Madrid under the slogan "Another model of residences is possible" and to remind us that the conditions in the residences are desolate.