Unnatural politics

Unnatural politics

Unnatural politics. Cartoon of 12/02/2022 in CTXT

The phrase that politics is "the art of the possible" is so ambiguous that it is a good basis for this move.

The PSOE of Andalusia abstained in the vote on the law on irrigation in Doรฑana presented by the PP with Vox and Ciudadanos, another water plunder of disastrous consequences for which the European justice has already been ruled by the has condemned Spain.

The law will now continue its procedure in parliament thanks to the votes of PP, Cs and Vox and the only votes against from Unidas Podemos (eternal complacent partners) and the non-attached members of Adelante Andalucรญa.

However, whatever the PSOE voted, it was going to go ahead. Now it seems that they are justifying their abstention, this cowardly and hypocritical non-vote , as a way of showing their support for the farmers. A huff and puff.

Another missed opportunity to make clear their statement of intent outside of the most rancid political tacticism .

According to one reads hereaccording to the PSOE, someone from the PSOE explained their vote as follows: "Abstention says that we are willing to talk about their problems. We cannot leave all the vote to Vox in El Condado. The PP wanted us to vote no so that we couldn't go to Doรฑana any more. We cannot give up being able to talk to them".

Beyond strategic considerations that only matter in the guts of the parties, it is also a display of cynicism from the same people who crow about the importance of the vote and the dangers of abstention when what they call the "..." is approaching celebration of democracy".

Once again, politics is the art of "any shit is possible".

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