Wholesale electricity prices hit an all-time high on Monday

Wholesale electricity prices hit an all-time high on Monday

The price of electricity reaches a new high historical record and the cost of electricity triples in one year in Spain.

It is one of the many headlines that can be read today.

106.74 euros per megawatt hour (MWh) surpasses the current record of 106.57 euros per MWh, set on 21 July.
The price set this Sunday for Monday 9 August is almost three times that of the second Monday in August 2020.

The light beats its record as if it were an external agent subject to the whims of fate, random events. These unstoppable rises have no face and no one is responsible. It is the light that goes up.

And the government?

Well, thank you. Some people are watching this inexplicable development very closely. Others are quick to grab the remote control and turn up the air conditioning to full blast while they say bullshit.

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