No disasters, so far, in Google's page experience
Google announced yesterday has put an end to the so-called "Page Experience" and is now starting to implement it. This move is a set of new factors that from now on will be the indicator that will influence the positioning of pages in its search engine all over the world.
At the time they explained it like this:
"The page experience metric measures different aspects that make up the experience users perceive when interacting with a web page. By optimising these aspects on pages, users will find it more pleasant to browse the web from any web browser or platform. In addition, sites will be able to adapt to the expectations of mobile device users. We believe these improvements will contribute to the success of online businesses, as users will be more likely to interact and shop more easily.

The three most recent and important indicators, although it is assumed that all those above influence the position in one way or another, are the ones offered by the metrics of "Core Web Vitals".
These are in addition to those already taken into account for page experience and used for search, including whether a page is mobile optimised, HTTPS security and anti-ad guidelines intrusive interstitials.
SEOs are going crazy refreshing Google Search Console - that's an understatement because the data is updated once a day - to see what impact everything they've been doing over the last few months to adapt to Google's whims has had. Despite everything, their search engine is still the one in charge.
Here you have the information what Google has been releasing about it since May for 2020.
Coincidentally, here I started to apply some of these recommended practices before I knew of their existence and others even before they were announced, by logic and inertia since most of them have a lot to do with optimisation.
There are now three possible scenarios:
You start getting visitors in industrial quantities from Google and you become a multimillionaire in three quarters of an hour (Spoiler: it's not going to happen) or you go broke paying for a hosting that can support them.
Or you lose traffic, including visits from some of those family members and loved ones who visited your site out of commitment or to see if it still existed.
There will be some middle ground between these two, but it will not be easy to check whether the new positioning factor will have been the sole cause.
And lAnd the last and most likely, you'll stay as you are. If your site isn't full of navigation-clogging crap and interstitial advertising, you have nothing to worry about.
The error notification emails from Google Search Console have always seemed to me like an Antena 3 news programme (in sensationalist spanish TV channel), they all arrive in a tone of alarm and catastrophe. With time I have learnt not to pay much attention to them as in most cases they are usually small annoyances or false positives that in many cases are solved by themselves.
For the time being, it seems that there will be no major losses in positioning here. Although it is still too early to make conclusive balances, the modest handful of organic visits I was receiving have not stopped arriving.